When to Call A Locksmith

call locksmithAs residents of Gilroy, CA most of us have a rough idea of the job description of a professional locksmith. Nevertheless, very few of us are aware that a locksmith is trained to do more than just duplicate keys or pick locks. In fact, as a home, office or car owner, an expert locksmith should be among your list of close associates. Not only locksmiths specializes in disabling locks, but they are also the people to ask for resourceful advice, as far as security systems go.

Some of the times when you might need the services of a locksmith are;

a.) When moving to a new neighborhood, apartment or home.
This especially applies if the new house was pre-owned by another family or person. In such circumstances, a locksmith will be able to assist you in changing the original locks or replacing them with better models. This should be the first thing to do even before unpacking or setting up your furniture. As a new homeowner, the security of your family or property should come first and a locksmith can help you in ascertaining that all the locks are secure, pristine/not worn-out and more importantly in a functional condition. The locksmith could also be valuable in unlocking high resistance doors you might find shut or accidentally locked by the previous owner.

b.) When carrying out home improvement projects.
After occupying space for a while, it’s only naturally to feel the need to refurbish and renovate it. Most people will readily carry out extensive improvement projects in their kitchens or bathrooms but still forget to upgrade their security systems or locks. So the next time you are planning on improving your patio or living room tiles, be sure to call a locksmith to recheck whether your electronic locks are in the best shape. Also, a locksmith can be of invaluable assistance in advising how best to match your inner door locks and handles with an existing interior decor while still having them operative.

c.) When installing a new security system.
If you’re thinking of adopting a new security model for your home, then making a call to a credible locksmith should be your first port of call. Not only will they assist you in putting up a more secure system, but locksmiths are also experts in analyzing and evaluating possible security loopholes that yourself you might fail to notice. In advanced security systems, such as safes or vaults, the correct installation will have to be done by qualified locksmiths for the manufacturer’s warranty to be valid.

d.) After an automobile accident, incident and emergencies.
Car accidents are on the rise, considering that more people own private vehicles. After bizarre accidents, it’s common for passengers to be entrapped within the debris. In such unfortunate situations, swift action is required to rescue and save lives. An auto locksmith with expertise in disabling car locks will be required in such an emergency, especially if the trapped passengers are unconscious or children.

Otherwise, auto-locksmiths come in handy when one loses or misplaces their ignition keys. A simple call or drive to your favorite locksmith workshop can make the difference between spending a lot of money in replacing the ignition system and the simple duplication of your original key.

e.) After a burglary or attempted break-in.

Usually, after reporting such an offense to the appropriate authorities, the next important step is making sure that your home is better secured than it was before. In such a case, you could call an experienced locksmith to do a full analysis of all your security model and identify loopholes that may predispose you to intruders in the future. Additionally, they might be able to assist you in changing your existing locks with better types or more durable ones. As high-strength locks are better placed in impeding intrusions than the conventional ones.

On that note, a locksmith together with the police may aid in the filling of an insurance statement in case your home was insured against burglary. Normally in such claims, a notation from a qualified locksmith is often needed as proof that indeed the locks were broken, or the security system was disabled.

Nonetheless, you don’t have to wait until your house is broken into for you to start looking for a locksmith. Give us a call today and have the most secure locks installed in your house.

In Gilroy, CA…security starts with us.
